Monday, May 4, 2015

The future way of hospital ICT

at 03:15 

The future way of hospital ICT

As a MBA student, even though understanding the past and the present of hospital ICT is significant, drawing pictures for the future is more meaningful.
I would like to write down my several thoughts along with several references.

1. Changes in the roles of physicians, surgeons, nurses, and other staffs in the hospitals.

    First of all, it is expected to be more patients-oriented services based on web interface. That will include all the sub-areas of hospital ICT, such as RIS (Radiology Information System) and LIS (Laboratory Information System).

2. Educations for surgeons, nurses, and patients

   The development of hospital ICT will have a huge influence on education for doctors and patients in an effective manner. Such endeavors are carried out by more improved software, apps, and so on. Therefore, this way will eventually benefit the high success rate of patients' surgeries.

3. Improvements of communication between practitioners and patients.

   One of critical issue in hospitals is the degree of patients' literacy for their diseases, operations, and procedures. Indeed, many researches are currently in the process to improve the patients' literacy, leading to better communication between practitioners and patients.

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