Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Current segments of hospital services


Recently, many approaches are adopted to hospital ICT. Among them, I'll introduce critical segments in that area.

1. Mobile Device

  With an increasing usage of mobile devices, including smartphone and tablet PC, the application those devices into hospitals is also on the rise.

         - Enhance their ability to communicate with other clinicians and healthcare providers.
         - Provide clinicians with more positive work experience, both in terms of satisfaction with
          their jobs and work/life balance.

2. Imaging Technology

  Currently, this segment is preparing for next generation of storage and needed further developed image sharing technologies.

          - By replacing or upgrading storage and image sharing technologies, hospitals can
           solve the limitation of saving records and enhance interoperability among each

3. Telemedicine

  To induce more positive outcomes before and after treatments or procedures, more accessible interaction between doctors and patients is prerequisite.

          - Increase care coverage and extend the continuity of care.
          - Not limited to face-to-face and brick and mortar based interactions.

1. HIMSS Analytics : http://himssanalytics.org/

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